We are incredibly excited to offer Agnes RF. Agnes is a dynamic precision radio frequency device that provides in-office solutions akin to surgical results without surgery.

Agnes allows us to target fat and tighten skin precisely at the same time, or it can be used for skin tightening alone.

Agnes RF gives

  • Unmatched precision targeting
  • Short treatment sessions (20-30 min.)
  • Safe & predictable technology for all skin types
  • Minimal downtime, No incision
  • Long-lasting & immediate results

Agnes RF can be used for facial sculpting, eliminating jowls, eliminating fat under the chin, and eliminating eye bags. At the same time, Agnes can tighten skin anywhere on the face and body. Agnes can eliminate small pockets of fat anywhere on the body.

We have previously used Kybella for eliminating fat under the chin and in other areas, but we have found superior results with Agnes RF. Compared to Kybella, Agnes causes less pain and swelling. Agnes is also less expensive than Kybell and leads to much less post-procedural swelling than Kybella. Kybella can not be used to eliminate fat under the eyes, but Agnes excels in this area, eliminating the fat and getting rid of wrinkles by tightening the skin with the same procedure.

Agnes RF causes tissue coagulation and electrothermolysis. During the procedure, when trying to eliminate fat, you can hear the fat being lysed by the radiofrequency. Agnes uses micro-insulated needles to penetrate the skin. The insulation on specific parts of the needle makes it safe for all skin types and also allows very precise delivery of radiofrequency to achieve temperatures in the tissue unparalleled by other devices.

The precision microneedling and the delivery of the concentrated radiofrequency stimulate fibroblasts, which generate collagen and produce amazing results similar to a face, neck, or eyelift. The face is sculpted, smoothed and tightened.